4 minutes
Analyzing Data Exfiltration over ICMP
I’m a big fan of learning through competition. Capture The Flag games have tremendous utility for training within the Security sector and even outside of it. Intentionally vulnerable web applications, like OWASP’s JuiceShop, are excellent tools for assisting in developing Secure Software Development Life-cycle programs within an organization.
So let’s take an exercise I recently came across in a CTF event. The skills required to solve the challenge are actually quite useful in real-world defensive scenarios.
Story Time
You work for the Info Sec team of Acme Co. As part of your security toolset, you’ve set up an Intrusion Detection System on a span port in your data center. During a routine Threat Hunting exercise, your team discovers some anomalous traffic coming from a particular server. Your IDS says that there was a strange amount of ICMP traffic coming from this machine. You go back to when the traffic occurred and pull a packet capture during that time-frame and you open it in WireShark.
You scan around and see some normal looking traffic until you spot the flood of ICMP packets.
After filtering for the suspected packet type, you begin to analyze each packet and before long you
notice most of the ICMP packets consist of a type
that WireShark doesn’t recognize.
This is prime example of “never fully trust your tools”. ICMP has a defined
[set of possible “good” types]
A legitimate ICMP request should only contain one of these predefined types
. WireShark is
attempting to map a type
to a plaintext definition, and failing to do so because these aren’t
legitimate ICMP echo requests.
By scanning through the type
flags of a few successive packets, we begin to suspect that these
values might be ASCII codes, given the lower/upper bounds. If we manually take the first 3 codes
(71, 73, 70)
and convert them, we get:
for num in 71 73 70; do
ascii="$(printf '%03o' $num)"
printf "\\${ascii}"
It appears we have a GIF file header in some ICMP traffic. Strange indeed. At this point, we
decide that switching to a programatic approach might be easier. Python’s scapy
library is a handy
packet parsing tool I’ve used in the past.
Let’s fire up the iPython REPL and import our tools:
from scapy.all import IP, ICMP, rdpcap
pcap = rdpcap('data.pcap')
We’re going to want to filter out all of our ICMP packets:
packets = [p for p in pcap if ICMP in p]
Since the values used for the type
flag span the entire ASCII range, it’s a statistical
probability that this ICMP traffic will send a legitimate ICMP echo request. That means we’ll get
legitimate responses in our PCAP data. We can isolate requests by specifying that we only want ICMP
packets that are leaving a particular source.
packets = [p for p in packets if p[IP].src == '']
Now we have a handle on all ICMP traffic leaving The next step is to convert everything from ASCII codes to their corresponding characters and write to disk.
# take type flag of each packet
ascii = [p[ICMP].type for p in packets]
# convert them to character string
chars = [chr(x) for x in ascii]
data = "".join(chars)
# write the data to a file
with open('mystery.file', 'w') as f:
What exactly is this file?
file mystery.file
And we have our data. If we want to go back and clean up some of the code and make it somewhat reusable…
from scapy.all import IP, ICMP, rdpcap
FILE = 'data.pcap'
def filter_op(pkt):
"""Filter operation for [PROTO] and [SRC_IP]"""
return PROTO in pkt and pkt[IP].src == SOURCE_IP
def ascii_convert(pkt):
"""Map function to convert ASCII values to text"""
return chr(pkt[PROTO].type
server_icmp = filter(filter_op, rdpcap(FILE))
data = map(ascii_convert, server_icmp)
with open('mystery.file', 'w') as f:
In this example, our packet capture contained a single file, the GIF. Not a likely scenario in a
real-world investigation. If an attacker had initiated an ICMP shell or downloaded multiple files,
it would be difficult to tell where one file ends and another begins. In this example, binwalk
could help us extract the multiple files.
To simulate this scenario, add the following line to our script, just before with write-to-disk operation:
data = data + data + data
After running the python file again, we can run the resulting file through binwalk.
Binwalk was able to find 3 distinct files embedded in the dumped data from our script.
Here’s the PCAP for those playing the home game. Happy hunting.
754 Words
2018-05-11 20:06 -0400